Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Camiguin girls

I am so grateful and blessed to be on mission with three wonderful women! We are all so very different; we complement each other well because each of us has unique gifts to share.

Genevieve has a big heart and an exuberant spirit. She keeps us laughing all the time and brings us back down to earth when we get caught up in the busyness or worries of daily life. Genevieve and I co-teach religion classes at Holy Rosary High School, and while I’m prone to take myself (and our lesson plans) very seriously, she can usually be found joking around with our students -- this makes us a great team in the classroom!

Breana knows how to love well. It doesn’t matter if she is talking with someone in the market or praying with someone who is sick, she always takes the greatest care to show Christ’s love to every person. Our ministry here would be lacking something without her gift of music. Breana has impressive ukulele skills and a beautiful singing voice, both of which she uses expressly for the glory of God.

Alex is our fearless team leader. She brings so much wisdom to our team, both from her past experience living in missions and from her docility in listening to the Holy Spirit and heeding God’s voice in prayer. Alex is bold and doesn’t shy away from doing difficult jobs that need to be done. She is an excellent listener and always seems to know exactly what we need, whether that means scheduling extra time for prayer and praise and worship or setting aside an evening for team fun!

My team is truly a blessing from the Lord!

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